Auckland Baptist Tramping Club

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Seven keen trampers left Sunnynook on the North Shore at 6.15pm on Friday evening in a hired 12 seater van. With a refreshment stop at Wellsford, we arrived in Omapere at 10.45pm and bedded down in the Omapere church hall.


Next morning we were away at 8.15am to pick up Doug McKenzie who drove us to the Rawene  Ferry. Just time for a coffee in the glorious sunshine at the Boat Shed Café, then over on the ferry and on to Pawarenga where our walk began.
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The Golden Stairs walk was true to its name with numerous Kowhai trees in full bloom. On over to the Tasman Sea and down the coast to Mitimiti Marae where we were welcomed by Jo and we replied with a speech and song (in Maori! - well done, team!). We then had a delicious afternoon tea prepared by Susan, a very light tea, and off to bed.
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Sunday morning we were off at 8.20am (it felt much earlier as this was Daylight Saving Weekend!), making our way down the coast to the sandhills of the Hokianga Harbour. Progress was somewhat hindered by a full tide which threatened to sweep us off our feet at times! Along the way we had an interesting reflection from Phillip, reminding us that we need to have good roots in our life as well as shoots….an appropriate reflection after our Kowhai Walk.
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Over the sandhills to the Hokianga Harbour where a water taxi took us over to Opononi. We were met by Doug who took us back to his house in Omapere for  a most welcome cuppa.

We travelled back to the North Shore with a stop at the German Café for refreshments.

Cost per person: Travel: $52.50, Ferry: $2.50. Water Taxi: $15, Food: $8, Marae: $17, Equipment Levy: $5, Church: $5

Total: $105