Auckland Baptist Tramping Club


Waitawa Regional Park  Sat 5 Oct

Our group of 8 began our walk from Mataitai Bay and encountered a road closure, which required us to walk on the road briefly before proceeding onto the track. The trail soon led us into a lush, forested area filled with tree ferns. The gravel surface transitioned to a more natural path as we descended toward Waitawa Bay. The scenery was beautiful and peaceful, with the sounds of nature surrounding us.

After about 45 minutes, we reached the Waitawa Bay campsite, where we took a break for morning tea and a restroom stop. The campsite featured a cooking shelter, providing a nice resting spot amidst the greenery. We enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere before continuing on our journey.
From the bay, a grassy track took us on a climb above Waitawa Bay, leading to the Pawhetau Pa. This site, a historically significant headland pa, is one of the best-preserved examples in the Auckland region. The views from here were stunning, offering sweeping vistas over Waitawa and Kawakawa Bays. We could see Karamuramu, Pakihi, and Ponui Islands, with the Coromandel Peninsula visible on the horizon. It was a perfect spot to pause and appreciate the history and natural beauty.

We continued on the Puweto Loop, the longest track in Waitawa Regional Park. The trail took us along the Waitawa Bay Track, crossing the park road at the main entrance before ascending the Farm Track. This open ridge-line offered picturesque views over the neighboring farmland. Tall eucalyptus trees shaded us as we descended to a picnic area, where there were more facilities, including toilets.
The track then meandered through a wetland area on the Valley Track, adding a refreshing change of scenery before rejoining the Farm Track. Eventually connected back to the Waitawa Bay Track for the final descent to Mataitai Bay.

Before finishing our walk, we gathered for lunch, enjoying the serene surroundings. Kim gave the devotions about Walking in God's Creation. Psalm 19:1-2  - "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."  As we set off on this hike, take a moment to look around. Every part of this landscape-the coastline, the trees, the birds singing in the air-proclaims the glory of God. In these moments, we are reminded that all of creation speaks of God's power, His creativity, and His care. Every mountain, valley, and ocean wave reflects the work of His hands. A hike is often seen as a journey, and like our faith, it's filled with ups and downs, challenges and joys. Sometimes the path is clear, and other times, obstacles block the way. Yet, through it all, God is with us, guiding our steps and showing us His presence in every part of our walk. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) tells us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Just as we trust the map or the guide on this hike, so too must we trust God to guide us through life's journey. There may be difficult climbs, but God has promised to walk alongside us, offering us strength and peace. As we hike today, let's take a few moments in silence to reflect on how we see God in nature: What beauty around us reveals God's power and creativity? Are there areas in your life where you need to trust God more deeply, especially in uncertain or challenging paths? How can we, like nature, reflect God's glory in our own lives?

We made our way back to the car park, completing the loop. The day was a wonderful experience, filled with fellowship, stunning views, and peaceful moments in nature. We were grateful for the opportunity to explore such a beautiful part of Auckland and look forward to more adventures with the ABTC.

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