Auckland Baptist Tramping Club

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Base map extracted from NZ TopoOnline February 2008. Crown Copyright Reserved

Meeting at the Downtown Ferry buildings were 16 keen walkers. Another 4 joined the ferry from Devonport and we all met up at the Rangitoto Island Kiosk area.  

Barbara shared a devotional thought about overcoming mountains at the start of the day before we started up the track. She quoted Sir Edmund Hillary saying 'It's not the mountains we climb but ourselves.' She shared John 4.4 He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

The track to the summit was shady and gentle in its incline.  At around 10.15am, we ascended at leisurely speed, with several drink stops and to attend to a wasp sting!  The Lookout was much more enclosed with trees and a smaller view available than on past trips.  Some enjoyed the views of the Warbirds display over Auckland Harbour for Anniversary Day, as we ascended towards the top.

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We explored the lava caves and many of the group went through aided by Vera’s torch.  
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Once at the top the panorama of Auckland and the Waitemata Harbour, with many boats was a stunning sight. Too hot to eat lunch at the open top, we decided to go on to McKenzie Bay where we could swim as well. After descending the boardwalk, we found the more exposed track down was quite a hot walk.
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The sandy beach was a great swimming spot at our late lunch time of 1.30-2.00. A number swam, but time was short, if we were going to catch the 3.30 ferry. We headed off along the coast road soon after 2pm (Except for Eileen, Pamela, Vera and Christine who decided to make it a more leisurely walk and aim for the 5pm ferry.) and  only reached the wharf around 3.25pm.  

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We boarded the second ferry assuming the rest of the group, who had been in front were on the first ferry. Vera, Rob and Caleb had caught a ride with the Rangitoto transport, to help them reach the wharf in time, but alas Rob did not find us before we boarded the ferry, and was in fact, still on the island.

The later 5pm ferry brought all the rest back to Devonport or the city.

COST: $20 boat fare