Auckland Baptist Tramping Club


Whitford          Sun 7 Apr

A group of 19 people met at the end of Porterfield Rd for a tramp of over 10km around the Whitford Bridle Trails and Estuaries loop track. After the usual in-circle intros and prayer we set out at 2:15pm to do this in the anticlockwise direction. This began as a level gravel track following the coastline around to the north facing edge looking out to Rangitoto Island, then turned inland to come out to Clifton Rd. As we followed this road we saw such things as an equestrian centre with butterfly wing hurdles, fancy front gates, and a couple of old cars in a front paddock. We carried on down to the second bridle track, seeing a couple of horses and riders complete a ride on the track. This went along the eastern bank of Turanga Creek, and we had our break, being about the half-way point on our journey.

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Kim presented devotions about horses, which we had seen several times on the walk. Just as horses are known for their strength, endurance and unwavering spirit, may we find these as we navigate the challenges that lie ahead. In a passage of Job we are reminded of the majestic power bestowed on the horse by the Creator, who has also equipped each one of us with the inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles. Just as a skilled rider trusts the guidance of their horse, let us place our trust in God's guidance and direction knowing that He will lead us safely through every twist and turn of our journey. May we encourage and uplift one another just as a herd of horses supports one another. Let us share words of encouragement, lend a helping hand, and pray for one another's safety and wellbeing. Let us journey forth with the strength, resilience, and unwavering faith of the horse, knowing God is with us every step of the way. Our journey not just a physical adventure but also a spiritual journey of growth, reflection and deepened faith.

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We carried on along the wide gravel track through mainly bush, to eventually leave the coast to come out through farmland to Potts Rd. It was quite a long roadbash along this, Clifton Rd and Henson Rd, enjoying the countryside scenery and a flowery front gate in one place, and a small robotic lawnmower mowing a grass verge. Eventually we came to the start of the first of the bridle trails off Henson Rd for our final stretch back to the cars at Porterfield Rd. Our 10.3km workout walk finished at 5:05pm.