Auckland Baptist Tramping Club

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The Club organized a trip to Te Ara Tahuna Estuary Cycleway and Walkway.  Linda Piggott and Tina Chen were leaders.

We met before 2:00pm at Western Reserve.  Linda introduced the walkway.  "O" means "place of", "rewa" means a native tree.  Orewa originally referred to the river, not the town.  The estuary used to be a significant food gathering place (shells, fish) for Maori.  There are six carved seats created by Auckland Prison’s carving group along the walkway.  Five of them represent the various Maori tribes who travelled to their traditional grounds in the Orewa estuary to collect seafood.  The sixth is in memory of Kiara Morgan, a young Orewa girl who died of cancer in 2011.

The walkway is a loop track circling the estuary.  Most of it is built of concrete, flat and no rubbish.  We had more than 40 trampers.  Most of them are Chinese and not members of ABTC. All trampers were divided into two groups.  Linda and her helper Fiona led one group heading west, Tina and her helper Sunny led another group heading east.  

The two groups met half way of the loop in Arran Drive.  Linda shared her devotions.   We stood around her in the strong sunlight.  Linda started from the re-generating bush on the Crocodile Island by volunteers to God’s creation in Genesis, then the salvation from Jesus to the eternal life.  What a big and deep message!  After her sharing, Tina translated it into Chinese.  When the sharing was nearly finished, we realised a piece of cloud blocked the sunlight and provided us shadow and breeze.  God knows what we needed.  His provision and timing are just right there.  Praise the Lord!
We finished the walk around 4:30pm.  All were happy!

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