Auckland Baptist Tramping Club

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Our group included up to 25 people for Anniversary Weekend. Most came from Auckland,leaving at 7am Saturday and arriving at 100 Pagitt St around 9.30am for morning tea. In beautiful sunny weather we drove across to Matarangi Bluff which took about 1.5 hours (return) up and along the ridge westward – great views across the Matarangi peninsula, up the coast and out to sea. We then found a picnic spot overlooking the beach where some swam and we had our lunch.

After lunch we drove around to the other (north) side of the Whangapoua harbour where a low tide walk at Opera Point took us to the northern head of the harbour (20 mins one way). There were several people fishing and at the point there was a large hole in a rocky outcrop and a great spot to watch the waves coming in from the ocean. On our return we took a short uphill track which climbed to the top of the headland to afford a fantastic view over the Matarangi headland on the other side.

We returned to Coromandel about 5pm and at 6pm gathered for a meal at 100 Pagitt St “The Old Parsonage” followed by devotion (Ruth) and social time. Ruth spoke about two plants: one grew quickly while the other stayed small – what was the difference? The one that grew rapidly had much larger roots. Ruth compared that to our need to be deeply rooted meditating on the Lord. How can we come closer to God, to Jesus in the coming year? To become more deeply rooted?

Some people overnighted at 100 Pagitt St and others at Top 10, including units and the big old villa there (which accommodates 8 people).


There was a light rain and low cloud so we cancelled the tramp between Stoney Bay and Fletchers. Paul & Ruth had done a reconnaissance several days earlier and found that the track rises to over 500m and on a clay surface could also get slippery if wet. (The alternative coastal track was still closed following slips a year earlier during cyclone Gabrielle.) So instead of this we did two shorter walks near Coromandel: (1) up to Fred’s Rest on the Success Track, and (1) the Kauri Walk at Long Bay which loops back along the coast via Tuck’s Bay where we had our lunch. There was some free time in the afternoon for people to explore the town.

At 6.30pm most of the group had dinner at the Coromandel Hotel (“Top Pub”) before going over the road to the Top 10 Villa. For devotions Paul spoke on Ps 22, which refers to those times when God does not seem present to us, and how if we do not lose faith, in the end we will come through, and God will give us a deeper sense of His joy. The psalm also prophecies several details of Jesus’ suffering on the cross.


We gathered at the Information Centre for the start of our 1.5 hour guided walk. We were divided into two groups, each with a guide and we learnt about the history of the town and several of the historic buildings. Most then grabbed lunch and came back to 100 Pagitt St before travelling home.

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